General Server Rules
Administration discretion is allowed in extenuating circumstances outside of the rules listed.
THIS IS A ROLE PLAY SERVER. Oh, wow! This is a role play server, which means we have to be completely immersed in the game world and avoid doing anything that wouldn't make sense in real life. So, if you're thinking of jumping your car off a mountain or sacrificing yourself to save some virtual money, you better stop and think twice! We wouldn't want to break the immersion by taking advantage of any game mechanics, now would we? So, let's make sure we keep everything 100% role play involved and forget about having any fun or excitement that wouldn't be possible in real life!
You must have a working mic to play in Iconic role play
Chain of command must be always followed in case of any issues or problems. Make a ticket in discord and Speak to a Server Staffs first before speaking to Admins.
Disrespecting or talking bad to Server staff or admins will lead to Permanent ban.
Iconic Role Play thanks you for your concern and help with the community and server, but please let our server staffs focus on decision making and resolution of problems.
Steam or discord names that looks offensive will receive warning or ban. Everyone is requested to keep appropriate names. If you continue to join after being warned with an offensive name, a removal/ban from server will be considered without further intimation.
Defaming our Iconic server or individual player or a team in live streams, videos, inside game or outside game will receive temporary ban or permanent ban based on severity. Promoting other servers in-game in any means or spamming the server members with unnecessary advertisements of any kind is strictly prohibited this will lead to permanent ban, Kindly respect others privacy and act accordingly.
If you witness someone breaking the rules first complete the Scenario properly and contact a Server Staff in discord by raising a ticket. Please try to report in-game name/steam name of the defaulted person, what happened, and video proof is mandatory. After raising a ticket don't raise a problem again inside the game. You are not allowed to talk about rules or fail RP inside game if spoken appropriate actions will be taken and only the admins have the authority to stop a RP. And the person who engaged on the scenario can raise a ticket with proof.
All the rules are subject to change based on the feedback and experience that will be decided by admins if required.
Toxicity and Bullying
Toxicity is defined as bringing unwanted attitude into the community. There is a difference between voicing his/her opinion, and forcing his/her opinion on other people. Do not direct your anger/frustration/aggression towards another player.
Derogatory Remarks: (Disrespectful Attitude)
Negative/Derogatory remarks about race, religion, gender, sexual preference, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. is strictly prohibited. This includes in and out of RP.
Vengeance / Impure RP
Building vengeance on other players just because your RP didn’t end in your favour will not be tolerated. Such immature characters are not allowed. Try to take RP as RP rather than getting offended personally and nurturing hatred among other Players
No external apps, system supporting apps, macros, hacking or cheating is allowed.
This includes abusing in-game bugs, glitches etc.
If you find any bugs, kindly report them to the server staff or administrators through discord if they are exploited either immediate server action or a permanent ban will be initiated.
Stream Sniping & Metagaming
While you are in the server, you are strictly prohibited from viewing the stream of anyone who are currently playing on the server and streaming on any service or even via the features available in game. Stream sniping will result in severe consequences and may lead to permanent ban.
The use of information that your character has not learned through RP is not allowed.
Gathering info from streams, comments from streams, discord chats etc. will also be considered as meta-gaming.
Verbal Abuse
Verbally abusing other players with Unparliamentary words In-game and On-live will not be tolerated. Affected party can raise the Ticket if those words hurts personally and it will lead to permanent ban.
Inflicting unrealistic forms of role play on other players, or not giving another player an option when in reality they should have one. Abusing in-game mechanism for personal gain. Any form of Power Gaming is not allowed.
You should not blast your vehicle and use it for any Kind of RP. That particular vehicle will be deleted from database if we find anyone doing so. (Doing this is power gaming).
Common decency
As an ICONIC community it’s expected that players will treat each other with utmost decency, everyone in this community should feel welcome and try to promote a positive environment .
Deathmatch (VDM / RDM)
Randomly killing or harming another player without good role play reason is not allowed.
VDM is Strictly not allowed. Unintentional VDM will not be taken into account. Make sure to convey that the VDM was not made purposefully. VDM should not be used as on option to escape from a role play scenario. If any VDM is done intentionally or if a VDM takes place with any motive appropriate warning and ban will be given.(Example for VDM with motive-Let us assume a scenario going between two gangs and each gang has no option other than killing the opposite gang and then a VDM takes place unfortunately. This will also be considered as VDM with motive of killing as there is a scenario going on and you have to kill the opposite party. Previous scenarios will also be investigated to find out whether it was a VDM with motive or not).
Suppressive fire
Killing a person without any relevant Role-play in a particular scenario is considered as RDM.
Suppressive fire is required in all situations, including robberies and pursuits
Killing a person should only be done if there is a valid reason behind it. Suppress fire refers to shooting in the air or on the ground without hitting the opposing party, solely to warn them that you are ready to use violence and engage in a gunfight.
Suppress fire should also be given if you are not able to communicate or warn them verbally, provide enough time for the opposite party to react whether to surrender or escape or to fight back. After a suppress fire the opposite party must be given 5-10 secs time to take cover, surrender or to react.
If you are not able to warn verbally then it is mandatory to use a suppress fire. This is applicable for both civilians and police.
Combat logging
Combat Login is defined as disconnecting from the server, with the intention of avoiding any form of RP and is strictly prohibited. This includes disconnecting to avoid death, combat, arrest, medical attention, or any other form of RP.
Fear Roleplay
Kindly take Fear RP seriously. Fear RP is a must, even when you're driving your vehicle faster. You should show Fear RP every time, even while doing small things that may put your life in danger. You cannot sit without Fear even when you are in a bulletproof vehicle. Those who don't do Fear RP will face server actions
You cannot kidnap a hostage in front of police or while the police are looking at you. You should be afraid and value your life when you are trying to kidnap anyone as you may lose your life or the hostage may lose his life.
Fear RP among people will also differ based on the location. For ex: You have to show fear RP when you are arrested and when you are in PD. You need not show fear RP when you are in your Gang area with your more Gang Mates.
Third Party communication
The use of third party programs such as Discord, phone-call, Discord live is not allowed.
Gangs & Business Character Limit
You can only have only one character involved in a gang/business & business related employment
Revenge Reporting
Revenge reporting refers to the act of reporting a person solely because you know they have reported you or someone else, as well as repeatedly forcing interactions and recording them to report another individual with the hope of getting them banned. This also includes holding onto clips of valid rule breaks and turning them in due to an issue you may have with another player. For this reason
Clips will not be accepted if presented after 24 hours.
Account Ownership and Responsibility
Account ownership is non-transferable, the property of the creator can't be shared or traded.
All players are responsible for their account, IP address, social club, and hardware. Linked accounts will face the same punishments and cannot be unlinked.
You may not speak the Role play rule by saying things like: in GTA: that you have a body cam (your stream), “Veliya pathukuren unna” or “Kadavul kita pesikren,” etc. in any terms: referring to discord as “Periya Radio” or any other names for Discord, referring to the gods constantly, as in “Kadavul Pathuparu, Goa Porom, Dhigar Dhigar” when referring to a banned player, or “Amaidhaiya iru Mel’u No clip la irukum” etc. This ruins immersion for everyone present and for viewers. If you need to say something to someone OOC, DM the person – don’t interrupt the RP.
Rules Spamming
Do not explain the rules in character. “Gun point pana kai thukanum Teriyadha?”, “Rocket League Vilyadraanga.”. There are better ways to handle this.Report people who break rules and people who don’t value their life. Do not ruin your RP experience for people who break the rules – that’s what the admins are here for, let them do their job !
Give & Take Roleplay
A Good RP scenario can be made only if both the party Cooperates. Try giving up your RP in favour of opposition just to make the scenario better. Try building a good maturity level even if you lose, Try to take it in a positive way. Ex: Keeping up a negotiation and being adamant that you can’t change the negotiation when the opposition asks you to change.
Speaking/ Role playing carelessly or intentionally which harbours or fuels negativity or hostility towards other members of the Iconic Community will not be tolerated. These issues are expected to be handled either directly with the involved party, or through necessary OOC channels.
Disciplinary action will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the offence, and can range from a simple conversation with an admin for lesser offences, all the way up to immediate and permanent removal from the community for the serious offences.
Non - Roleplay (NR)
Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor quality role play are considered as non-role play.
Players are required to remain IC at all times. RP can only be paused or voided by admins.
If a crash / disconnect occurs, players must post in the crash reports discord channel and contact all parties to resume. Players reconnecting must be given all opportunities held prior.
Players should not instigate situations they do not have time to play through. For ex: Starting a robbery when there is only 10 mins for server restart or when you are about to quit the game.
New Life Rules (NLR)
If you have become unconscious and got revived by EMS, you will not forget the scenario but you will be incapable of re-participating in that scenario as you have been injured. You no need to follow NLR for this situation.
If your character is down and has received injuries that cannot be saved (e.g. Explosions, Burnt, drowned in ocean or running river.) You have to respawn. you will not have the memory of the cause of your death and that particular scenario causing to your death . When a new life starts, your character will forget all the information and events leading up to your death. However, you are still the same character (you will have your same job, gang, friends and blah blah).
(Medic) If You were killed in a way where you cannot be revived (burned, exploded or drawn in water) please let the Doctors know in RP.
For example, /me was shot in the head multiple times and has no pulse, /me burned, /me committed suicide. Using /me to convey that you should not be revived is mandatory.
Even if Medic fails to see that and revives you mistakenly, you should follow NLR (New Life Rule) mentioned above. /me should be using when medic is checking your body condition about your injury for example if you are down by accident and got injured in legs use /me injured in legs to cooperate EMS Role play.
Players can’t return to the area of death for 30 minutes in real time or until the prior RP is finished.(Refer point 1)
If you are Committing Suicide doctors will not revive you and you have to follow the New life rules.
Torture RP
Repeatedly targeting a Player , Wanted making them feel uncomfortable through words or actions, Making a person wait for a long time for the sake of your RP or Kidnapping a person, keeping them for a long time Exceeding 30 minutes will not be tolerated Based on the situation this rule may vary. (Be mature)
Govt vehicles
Stealing govt vehicles intentionally without a valid role play scenario is also strictly prohibited. You can Steal POLICE/EMS vehicles. This can be done over RP. Taking a Police/EMS vehicle just because it's unlocked is not allowed. It has to be your only / last way out or it has to make sense for you to be taking it at that very moment. You are not allowed to just drive them around and any trolling will be punished.
Green Zone , Hot Zone & No RP Zone
Green zones should be crime-free. No crime should be initiated from the green zone. Green Zones are :
Business Areas
Persons who doing business jobs Example : Kidnapping Truck driver who is doing work.
It is Fail RP to run away from a crime to green Zone in order to escape.
Kidnapping or initiating RP with a person who is doing community service or has just been released from jail is also considered as Fail RP.
A No RP zone is a place where RP should not happen or continue or End.(only OOC Benefit Claiming Area).
A Hot Zone is the place where police have the right to search, investigation, shoot or arrest based on the situation.
Hot Zones are:
Police Station
Flow RP
Everything in RP will not go as per your expectations. There might be Fail Rps committed by the opposite party During the scenario. Go with the flow ,Incase of any Fail Rps / overcome of Rules by the opposition , Don't RANT “FAIL RP DAA/ Idhu Rules laye Illaa”. Instead go with the flow and try to make the scenario better. (Be Mature). Female chars will be exempted from the above however this doesn't allow them to mention the above rants in game.
/ME Usage:
The /me command must be used for role play purposes only. This command can be used to express anything that cannot be seen through eyes during role play.
Example: Giving evidence that is on scene that should be able to be seen, showing facial expressions, actions that don’t have an emote, etc.
Respond if someone uses /me on you. Example: If a person is travelling with you in your vehicle and the person types /me pushing the next person out of the car,You have to respond to that and jump out of the vehicle or act to that RP.
Use /ooc if you face any kinds of bugs or anything else.
/me cannot be used when there is already a method to do the thing you seek to do. For example putting /me removing the radio,gps and phone when there is a correct method to remove them using handcuffs and etc...,
Last updated